Template 4

How to add this menu
  1. Copy or refer the WB MenuTemplate4
  2. To fill with the menu, create a table or static and use a similar backoffice to create the menus or you can create an action with record list to create the menus (you have the 2 options in this espace).
  3. If you copy the WB you need to copy the following CSS/JS to your espace (they are in the espace DynamicMenusWidgets->Resources)
    1. jquery-ui-1.9.1.custom.min.js
    2. jquery.mousewheel.min.js
    3. jquery-wijmo.css
    4. jquery.wijmo.wijmenu.css
    5. jquery.wijmo.wijmenu.js
    6. jquery.wijmo.wijsuperpanel.css
    7. jquery.wijmo.wijsuperpanel.js
    8. jquery.wijmo.wijutil.js
    9. jquery.bgiframe-2.1.3-pre.js
  4. If you copy the files, you need to change the path of the JS/Css
    1. WB ddWijmoScript-> 'Load JS Files' expression
  5. If you want to change the CSS of the menu, the files that you need to change should be:
    1. jquery-wijmo.css
    2. jquery.wijmo.wijmenu.css
  6. More option to this menu in https://github.com/wijmo/Wijmo-Open/tree/master/samples/menu including some themes https://github.com/wijmo/Wijmo-Open/tree/master/themes
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